Parkinson's Disease: Signs And Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention

What is Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's disease is a brain disease. The brain cells that make dopamine, namely slowly die in people with Parkinson's.
Dopamine is an important chemical that, among other things ensures that we can move smoothly. Also of other neurotransmitters occurs in Parkinson's deficiency. That gives all kinds of complaints.

Parkinson's Disease: Signs And Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention

In Parkinson's move unsteady. Muscles throughout the body working properly and become rigid. Another complaint is trembling. What is also common in Parkinson depression. The disease is not lethal and you also do not live shorter by.

Parkinson's has no cure and the disease progresses slowly. Medications can help members to stay healthy longer. Sometimes brain surgery may be helpful. You can help yourself with exercise and a suitable lifestyle learn to deal with the disease as well as possible.

Of those 60 years, 0.5% of Parkinson's disease, in people over 90 is 5%. Parkinson's disease usually begins between the 50th and 60th years, but can also occur at younger ages. The cause of Parkinson's disease is not known. Probably in part hereditary Parkinson. In some families there may Parkinson namely common.

What are the signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's Disease: Signs And Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention

Arise problems due to Parkinson's disease moving. The brains control movement no longer good. Movement Problems in Parkinson always start on one side of the body. Parkinson's disease may lead to the next move problems:
  1. You have to think about every move. Sometimes you suddenly stop walking and you can get going hard again.
  2. You fall more often.
  3. Your muscles are stiff and painful. They vibrate when you are not using them. This is the typical tremor of Parkinson's disease.
  4. You are going to see double.
  5. You go talk unclear.
  6. You pukes often.
  7. Your face is stiff and tight, like a mask.
Additionally, you can also get neurological or psychological problems:
  1. sadness or depression;
  2. dizziness upon standing;
  3. fatigue and poor sleep;
  4. forgetfulness;
  5. heavy sweating;
  6. frequent urination (sometimes incontinence) and constipation;
  7. too much or too little saliva;
  8. oily skin;
  9. erection difficulties;
  10. odor problems.
  11. in 30% of cases, eventually leads to Parkinson's dementia.
Some people with Parkinson's have problems with impulse control, and then go compulsive eating or touching example sex addict. Also, confusion is common in Parkinson's. There is even a risk of psychosis. These psychological problems can also be caused by Parkinson's Medications. Other medications might help.

Not everyone has all these complaints. Some people have few symptoms, many others. People with Parkinson's slowly getting more and more serious complaints. However, the disease may also remain the same for many years.

Diagnosis of parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is difficult to diagnose. Only when the dopamine deficiency in the brain is 60% or more, created problems moving. Before that, gives the dopamine deficit also complaints, but those are vague. For example, fatigue and muscle pain. A doctor thinks than not immediately to Parkinson's. An important indication for Parkinson's is that you on one side of your body starts to tremble.

If the medicine levodopa helps relieve your symptoms, chances are greater that you also have Parkinson's.

It may take years before the diagnosis is established at all. That can really only by the brain after someone's death with a microscope to investigate.

Doctors are still looking to other methods to make the diagnosis. For instance odour tests or blood tests.

What is the treatment for Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's disease is not curable. However, there is a drug (rasagiline) that the disease is slowing somewhat. The treatment further consists of fighting the symptoms. The treatment varies from patient because everyone reacts differently to medication and because not everyone has the same symptoms.
Possible treatments are:
  1. Medications that supplement the shortage of dopamine in your brains.
  2. If the medication does not help enough, brain surgery is possible. In these operations, the surgeon places an electrode in your brains. With this electrode can stimulate brain cells (neurostimulation). Or they can overheat brain cells (injury, surgery). Both are ways to calm the brains, as it were, which reduces tremor and muscle rigidity.
  3. Physical therapy reduces stiffness of muscles and joints. This allows you to move easily and stay fit for longer. Mensendieck or Cesar Therapy Therapy can improve your posture.
  4. Speech therapy can reduce problems with language, speech, eating or drinking. You will learn how to deal with these complaints around so that you have less problems. If necessary, the speech therapist can advise on the purchase of aids when speaking, as a voice amplifier. The speech therapist sometimes works with a dietician.
  5. Occupational therapy teaches you to go into your daily life with Parkinson's. You will get advice on dealing with fatigue and difficulty in movement. But also about good manners and wash and dress. So you can continue to do as much as possible. It also gives advice on the occupational therapist aids and home adaptations.
Nearly half of all Parkinson's disease patients benefit from an afternoon nap. They have the feeling that they are moving again a little easier.

Parkinson's Disease: Signs And Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention

Prevention of Parkinson's disease

People with Parkinson's are often very tired. This may be due to depression. Depression is common in Parkinson viz. Moreover, almost everyone with Parkinson's sleep. This may be due to your medications. Also can keep you awake your stiff and quivering muscles. Parkinson's can also lead to restless legs (restless legs syndrome), snoring or sleep apnea. All these problems can ensure that you will have trouble sleeping.

What can you do about fatigue?
  1. Drink enough (1.5 to 2 liters per day).
  2. Eat healthy and rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, bread, nuts).
  3. Eat frequent small portions.
  4. Please do not fall off.
  5. Drink at night no coffee or alcohol.
  6. Stay active.
  7. Do your daily exercises.
  8. Keep heavy activities for times when the drugs work well and you can move better.
  9. Sometimes it helps adjusting your medications, or taking antidepressants. Discuss this with your doctor.
By Parkinson's disease, you can just fall, giving you something to bruise or break. You can be afraid of falling again. Try nevertheless continue doing your daily activities, such as grocery shopping or just a walk. This keeps you fit. If necessary, use wrist and knee pads or a walking aid such as a cane.

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